Wednesday, July 10, 2013

London calling, called, voice mail!

What can I say? Riding in a city like London is an absolute trip. It took me until London to find out that lane splitting aka filtering to the Brits is completely legal here. Not only legal in fact but seems to be encouraged by car drivers almost everywhere. I was amazed when starting to filter through traffic for the first time that the cars on either side of me seemed to part ways to create a perfect lane for me and me alone.

I have never split lanes before as I haven't spent much time riding in California and it isn't legal in Washington (yet). I was a little tentative at first but being stuck in dead stopped traffic 25 miles from where I needed to be in 85+ degree weather really gets ones motivation going. It was a breeze and came in handy so many times during my stay in London. Getting in and out of the city was so much faster by filtering through the city centre traffic but also around break downs and fender benders. 

It worked even better as I made my way to Brighton for a bit of sun, sea and cylinders. Brighton is of course the arguable epicenter for all things Mods vs. Rockers from the 1960s. Though the rivalry carried weight throughout the UK, the biggest or at least most publicized brawls of these two groups happened on many a bank holiday at the south shore resort town of Brighton. A mere 60 miles outisde of London and you're transported to a beach community known for its dance halls and boutique shopping. 

Though the brawling youth have gone, Brighton is still hot place to ride and show of your wheels. Vintage and new scooters as well as every form of motorcycle from dual sport to full custom were present during my visit and parking up on the boardwalk (though illegal) is still the thing to do. I am happy to report that many of the bikes were indeed from Hinckley, carrying the iconic Triumph badge we all love so much. 

Even though I am no longer on the Triumph, having turned it in to the factory on Monday, I will have more to share as I meet more enthusiasts here and experience more great riding roads throughout the UK.   But for now, cheers!

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